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The Top 5 New Year’s Resolutions for Your Home

It’s that time of year again and if you are like most people you might be searching for last-minute for a New Year’s resolution that you can stick to. According to Google, the statistics on how many people actually follow through with their new year’s resolution are rather disappointing. Studies report that less than 25 % of people actually stay faithful to their new ear’s resolution and only 8% actually accomplish them. Unrealistic expectations are the leading reason for failed resolutions with most people calling it quits by January 12th.

Besides the obvious end to the joyful holiday season, the months of January and February can be brutal homebound months. If you are a homeowner with a lengthy to-do list, you can make some home-specific resolutions to help you check off those boxes. Bringing your new year’s resolution to your living space can decrease stress, increase joy, and help you save money!

Here are our Top 5 New Year’s Resolutions for your home in 2020:

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1. Clear Out the Clutter

According to Home and Garden Television, the easiest way to get rid of clutter is to start sorting. Determine how frequently you use the item and decide whether this needs to be kept in your daily living space or if it can be placed in a more long-term storage space like your garage. After the sorting process, give items a second look. Sometimes reevaluating what you have helps you realize that you do not need it at all. Once your declutter is complete, make sure to schedule a donation pick up with your local charitable organization. Your declutter becomes a contribution to a good cause – it’s a win-win. For the true minimalists, check out Mari Kondo and the Art of Organizing and Tidying Up.

2. Address That One Pesky Thing That Has Been Bothering You

Are you over that rug in your guest bedroom? Do you loathe the color of the blinds in the kitchen? Would a fresh coat of paint in the bathroom make the space more clean and crisp? Updating that one pesky thing in your home that is driving you crazy can kick start your New Year and make being indoors a little more bearable. Define that thing, schedule a time, and just do it. The good feeling you get from one small accomplishment might just be the beginning of a greater change in your life.

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3. Reimagine Life Outside

The season’s limited daylight and blustery weather make for plenty of time indoors. Take advantage of these winter months to plan how you will relish every moment of good weather that the growing season brings. Working with a landscape designer can help develop your vision of a terrific outdoor space which will become an extension of your home that you and your loved ones won’t be able to resist. Proper planning over the winter months will give you time to find a reputable company that can deliver an exceptional landscape design and construction experience. Get a fresh start to the season and treat yourself with more time to enjoy your new outdoor space by signing up for maintenance services such as seasonal cleanups, turf care, and mowing. Dreaming of spring while checking these off your to-do list could be just what you need to get through the rest of winter.

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4. Cut Back on Energy Use

While buying a gas efficient vehicle or installing solar panels can make a huge impact on your use of energy, there are small habits you can form starting this New Year that will contribute towards a better planet and a healthier tomorrow. Teaching members of your home how to recycle properly and efficiently can be a family building effort. All the information can be found on the EPA website or at your local recycling center. Other small habits such as turning the water off when you brush your teeth, turning off lights when you leave a room, and using a smart thermostat to adjust the temperature based on your living patterns can add up to have a larger impact on your bills and the environment.

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5. Convert Your Sleeping Space

According to a UK study, the average person spends 26 years of their life asleep. Even more surprisingly we will also spend 7 additional years trying to fall asleep. That is 33 years spent in your bed! Why not indulge in new, clean, and stylish bedding to give your living quarters an update in the new year?  While you are in your bedroom it’s a good time to think about replacing the lights. Not because the lights are bad, but for a better night’s sleep: the National Sleep Foundation advises looking for low-watt bulbs that filter out the sleep-disrupting blue lights.

Closing Note

While making personal new year’s resolutions can focus your attention on you and what really matters, taking the time to make resolutions specific to your home will be rewarding and allow you to stay ahead on repairs and expenses. Always make maintaining a happy and healthy home a priority.

About Us

Carrington Lawn & Landscape is a full-service Green Industry contractor in Middleton. Our team provides top quality and reliable landscape design, installation, and maintenance services. For more information about how we can help you to Reimagine Life Outside, give us a call at 608-597-3069, or submit a form via our website.

    The Top 5 New Year’s Resolutions for Your Home
    - Date Published: 2019-12-31