Person on a laptop having a call with multiple people for landscaping services in Middleton, WI

How We’re Responding to The Coronavirus

Updated 4/21/2020

We continue to take steps to maintain the health and safety of our staff, our clients and the general public as our nation deals with the COVID-19 pandemic. Landscapers have been listed as essential workers as we provide services that are necessary to maintaining the safety, sanitation, and essential operation of residences, businesses, and buildings.  With the Safer at Home executive order being extended, we continue to operate with safety as our primary goal. Our ‘one-person-one-vehicle’ policy helps our crews maintain social distancing while our sales staff are practicing ‘no-contact’ consultations. It’s still not business as usual but we are fully committed to serving our clients.

The following are safety measures we are currently taking – some are above and beyond the CDC recommendations:

  • We are regularly updating our staff on new policies and practices to work safely during this pandemic.
  • We have communicated federal exposure and safety information to our staff including measures to protect themselves and others from the spread of the virus including regular hand washing/use of sanitizer, avoiding touching eyes/nose/mouth, respiratory etiquette, and avoidance of public spaces and contact with those that are sick.
  • Social distancing is being practiced among all staff members.
  • Gathering in groups of more than five is now restricted.
  • Face-to-face meetings with non-staff have been minimized.
  • Our office is closed to all vendors, visitors, etc.
  • Access to our office is highly restricted to protect those who are maintaining minimum basic operation.
  • High traffic, communal work areas have been closed off.
  • Our sales and administrative staff members are working remotely.
  • We have implemented digital time recording and work order submittal to eliminate paper transmission.
  • Our fertilizer applicators have implemented digital leave-behinds in place of physical door hangers.
  • We have implemented a one-person-one-vehicle policy.
  • We are requiring staff members to stay home if they are sick or experiencing any symptoms of COVID-19 (fever, dry cough, shortness of breath).
  • We have prepared action plans to minimize exposure in the event a member of our staff experiences symptoms.
  • We have announced that there will be zero disciplinary actions taken as a result of absences related to symptoms or diagnosis of COVID-19.


We will continue to monitor this ever-evolving situation and update our plan, if necessary, to keep our staff, clients and the general public safe.  In the event our government mandates more regulations, we will communicate our revised action plan to you.

We are proud to be your good neighbor and know we will move through this challenging situation together. When this passes, we’ll be here to help you Reimagine LIFE OUTSIDE. For now, stay home and stay safe.

-The Carrington Team


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    How We’re Responding to The Coronavirus
    - Date Published: 2020-03-19